So Im down at the summer house, but before I left Stockholm i needed to fix remote access to my home system.
Well I have had access via ssh to my home system regardless where I am but I would prefer so really control my desktop on my home server from anywhere.
So I started looking into how to do this. Preferable secure and safe and all that. 🙂
So my home system is a kubuntu 8,04 and yes I know its kind of old but i don’t want to upgrade it yet.
So i first started out trying the built in version krfb. Well regardless of what I tried I could not get it to work. I could connect to the system but as soon as I did that it crashed. So i investigated a bit and found a number of similar post out there so its not unheard of.
So what to do?
Well the solution is to remove that and get x11vnc working instead.
So I installed this with apt-get:
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sudo apt-get install x11vnc |
Then logout and restart the Xserver just to make sure all things are loaded correctly. Just to be paranoid I setup a password with vncpasswd to be used so that its harder to login.
Then you can login to the system and forward the defalt vnc port (5900) to the remote machine, start x11vnc on that system and it will work.
So on your local system start the ssh:
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ssh -L 5900:localhost:5900 username@ |
When youhave logged in to your remote system, fire up x11vnc:
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x11vnc -usepw -display :0 |
And back on you local system in another window start up vncviewer:
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vncviewer localhost::5900 |
and you should get a copy of your remote desktop.