More phishing 2

Second mail that cam as phising has to do with WOW again. This time they are atleast follwoing the rule that the ink and the text thats linking is the same so its not that easy to se it. But ofcuase – if you get mail from Blizzard – why would they send mail from

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Första veckan hemma

Jaha då har man varit hemma en vecka. Jag åkte ju hem från kusten förra veckan och det gick lungt och fint. Lite tråkigt att stänga ned kusten för vintern, men med nya värmesystemet ska det ju bli bättre och vara varmare så jag kan åka dit ned oftare utan problem. Jag funderar på att åka ned den första helgen i månaden för at se till det hela men vi får se hur det går.

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More WOW phishing

And today I got another phising attempt. This time a pure WOW account changes from”Blizzard” and again, the link in the mail is not the same as the link you get to so it will be false.

If you get a mail with a link to someting that is not the same as the link text – dont follow it.

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God phishing attempts today

In the list of fishing attempts, this is a new one. The next big thing from blizzard is the new WOW expansion Cataclysm. And the spammers/phising people is not long after trying to come in on this to. So now you are offered a Beta key. Hurray. But its a fake and will only steal your accounts of you go in there.

But the god thing today is that the link in the mail is spelled wrong and you can get to the site.

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