Web access to a virtualbox machine

This week I have been to a course in OpenDNSSEC – the nice new tool for signing domains that IIS has developed, and that really is going to make deployment of dnssec a lot more easy. And to be able to run a number of machines – all with Linux – we where using virtualbox to run each of them on a laptop per group. This is a nice setup and works well. If you set it up right.

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Upgrade to Kubuntu Karmic (9.10) from 8.04 – Part 6 – Fixing thunderbird openning links

One other thing that really enoyed me when moving over to 9.10 was that links in thunderbird open the wrong browser. As firefox is a nice browser but it takes for ever to start, I have started to use chrome as my web-browser. and I am fairly happy with it. Its stable and works well. But when I am running thunderbird (mail-client) and get a mail with a link in, I would prefere that it open chrome. As it was it opens firefox.

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Upgrade to Kubntu Karmic (9.10) from 8.04 – Part 4 – Wine again

As I wrote about in my blog about getting Wine and pulseaudio to work here I did some changes to the winestartup of my eve clients.

Unfurtunatly it did not allways work. And after some more chekcing I found out that there is a kernel option that was turned off by default on the Ubuntu/Kubuntu kernel that is the problem.

And there is an easy way of fixing that.

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SciFi Fredag & hellylle norsk

I går var det fredag och som vanligt var det mycket SciFi att se på TV’n.

Det hela startade med StarTrek Voyager på TV4-SciFi kl 18:40 och sen fortsatte det med 2 avsnitt av Babylon 5, följt av StraTrek Universe på tv 6. Sen var det tillbaka till TV4 SciFi för att titta på en anime serie som jag faktiskt startar och titta på. Last Exile heter den och den är lite rolig i och med att det är till viss del 3d tecknat. Men mest beror det väl på att man kind of kommer in mitt i storyn utan massor med förklarande och nu vill man ha reda på vad dom olika sakerna vad. Så jag är väl lite fast.

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När jag surfade lite på lunchen så kom jag på denna.

Man har byggt en robot som spelar tetris.

Det finns helt klart folk med för mycket tid. Och byggd i lego!

Upgrade to Kubntu Karmic (9.10) from 8.04 – Part 3 – Wine and EVE Online and pulseaudio

So the next item on the upgrade list is to get sound and wine to work. Yes – I’m kind of addicted to EVE Online and i have to get that work.

In the old system I had pulseaudio to work. I really like that as it handles multiple input and outputs and you can even adjust volumes and individual applications. So its a really god system. In the old system (8.04) it worked very well, but tended to hang some times, and I had to kill the pulseaudion daemon and restart it from time to time.

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