Upg. to kubuntu 10.10 – Install thunderbird

As I said in my post earlier I have upgraded to Kubuntu 10.10 from 9.10. After getting my browser to work, next thing was to get my mail up and running again. This means installing Thunderbird.

Installing it is easy, just use install it using apt-get as usual. As im also using enigmail plugin (gpg encryption) I also needed to install kgpg package.

sudo apt-get install thunderbird
sudo apt-get install kgpg

Moving config files over

This was a bit more tricky, when moving from kubuntu 9.10 to 10.10 you also go up from thunderbird 2 to 3 and this means that the config files have moved. In the old system it was in .mozilla-thunderbird and now its in .thunderbird. So it has to be move. I also moved over .gnupg directory:

mv ../CD/jan_old/.gnupg .
(cd ../CD/jan_old; tar cf - .mozilla-thunderbird)|tar xvf -
mv .mozilla-thunderbird .thunderbird

Now you can start Thunderbird.

I had 2 different plugins for Thunderbird, enigmail and lightning and none of my old ones was compatible with my new install so that thunderbird removed them, no problem.

Reinstall of enigmail

Well i then went on to install enigmail plugin. Over to the plugin directory, and then download the plugin. And it did not work. Not compatible with my OS. I’m running 64 bits and apparently for some reason thats not available.

So I went over to the plugin home (http://enigmail.mozdev.org/) page and then to the download page.

There you can download ir for different OS so I selected Linux (x86_64) and Thunderbird 3.1.

Then left clikc on the link and save the link to /tmp.

Open up Tools->Add Ons and Click on the Install button and select the file you just saved. Then you will have enigmail installed.

Reinstall of lightning

The lightning plugin for Thunderbird gives access to calendar functionality and can sync with Google calendar and other calendars. And it has the same problem. Installing the plugin from the add-on list will install the wrong version so you have to download it manually and install it.

Go to http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/calendar/lightning/releases/1.0b2/contrib/linux-x86_64/ and download the lightning.xpi file. If you like me also want to use google calendar integration download the gdata-provider.xpi also.

Now you should have a working mail-system.

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