Using MS Exchange integration on you Phone?

Today I had an interesting story in my RRS feed about MS Exchange integration a phone and the fact that someone (server admin on the exchange side) can remotely wipe you phone from all data. Here is a link to the slashdot artickle.

Apparently when you allow you phone to access MS Exchange you will also allow the MS Exchange software to have the ability to control you phone to a large way. Remotely it can turn off bluetooth, disable the camera and even completely wipe the phone. I wounder if most people put there that uses MS exchange knows this?

I am glad I’m not using MS Exchange.

2 thoughts on “Using MS Exchange integration on you Phone?

  1. Well, yes that’s true , its also true if you have an iphone, or a blackberry …..

    The concept is more that if you lose your phone, it can be wiped as quickly as possible. Running a few clients BES servers (blackberry enterprise servers) we have had instances where phones have been lost or stolen and we have received panicked calls about them and the data on them.
    30 seconds later they have been wiped and barred. So useless to anyone – at least you get the satisfaction that whoever stole it has now got a nice paperweight.

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