EVE Premium graphics after a long weekend

So the weekend has been a very hot one in Sweden. The temperature has been over 30 degrees and thats very much by Swedish standards and when one is not quite prepared for it it gets very hot.

We have been moving from the house to the apartment for the last month and the only real thing left now is to finish off the garden so its in hand over state. And thats what we have been doing during the weekend.

But there has been small times when we haven’t moved or carried things. And I decided to test the wine and premium graphics to see if I could get it to work. From what I have read on the forum the wine version of EVE runs without any big problems.

So i copied all the .wine directory over form my old laptop and used that as a start – that way I also would retain my old setting in the EVE client and thats very useful.

First thing i tested was installing wine from the normal repository and that one did not work.

I got some strange errors and it would just not start. I then added the wine-hq repository with the command:

sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/hardy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list

And then do the install with:

sudo apt-get install wine

The version I got installed this time was the 1-0-rc3 and I still got the error. Problems – what to do. The error i got was:

After checking and doing some reading is seems that the bug is due to some old initiation error and a patch for wine is out there. But its strange. I did run the old version and had no problem.

I decided to install the client from scratch. First i installed the msttcorefonts and copy them to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/windows/fonts.

Then I went to the EVE-Online site and downloaded the windows premium client from the EVE-Online site. and then started the installer. After installing the client, dont start it just yet. Go into the eve directory and run the RedistD3DXOnly.exe with

That worked but i still got some weird error

This is because the new version of kubuntu has a harder memory protection and that conflicts with what wine does, so you need to relax that setting. This can be done with the command:

But that only changes it temporary. To set it fully you need to edit /etc/sysctl.conf. Go in and change the line:


This will change it for the futrure and keep the setting when you reboot the system.

Thats was it. I have wine working. BUt the latest version has some weird graphics errors, so I did some more googeling. Aparently the best version for running the eve premium grpahics is the 0.58 version.

So i downloaded it from the wine debian archive, removed the normal version and installed it. And perfect. You need to turn of shading in the client and change the wine registry setup for OffscreenRenderingMode.

Edit the ~/.wine/user.reg file and add the following lines:

Then startup the client and change the shadow quality to of in the setting. This makes the premium graphics work very well,

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