Wine and EVE Apocrypha 1.2

So its time for Apocrypha 1.2 in EVE. This is the new version of EVE online that was released to day. So I hade to patch ofcuase. And with Wine and Linux its not allways that straight forward and easy.

First you cant use the normal new download in the client. It will not work. But thats not a problem. You can go into the EVE online site, Go to downloads patches and manually download the patch. The file anme for this new patch is evepremiumpatch86756-88517_m.exe.

And the you run this manually:

This will start up wine in my home directory, and run wine with padsp (im running wine under pulseaudio).

And go thru the patch process. Then, as I am running 2 clients, I need to patch the other directory also, but thats just to run in one more time.

And onto start it up and check that its working. And the splashscreen comes up and nothing more – just a blank black screen. Dam – what to do. Checking the forums and see if anyone else has tis problem.

The first think I found on the forum was ofcuase this from CCP:

You can guess what the result was on that post. But after some rally and some people saying – take it easy there was a new post and there is a new patch – evepremiumpatch88517-88737_m.exe.  And you can find it at

So runing this again:

And after that my beloved EVE works as it should.

One thought on “Wine and EVE Apocrypha 1.2

  1. I hope you have a great day! Very good article, well written and very thought out. I am looking forward to reading more of your posts in the future.

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